The Call From Below - Now Here!

SEEKERSINTERNATIONAL presents The Call From Below

somewhere at the junction between
night and day, we find seekersinternational
plunged into deeper rub-a-dub territory

engulfed in the hazed light;
trudging on by a faint ember of promise;
hearts smoldering;  echoes of an ancient cry

The Call From Below is the first
full seekersinternational album project
on the brand new Gold Label collection

crucial selections that labour to
find upfulness in sorrow; clarity in
confusion;  livity in death

hype and revelry fade; the dancehall
empties out onto the road home;
 we keep the tape running...

come down selecta make it run;
cos the dance cyant done



VIN said...


MX7 said...

thank you for listening breadren
(got your personal CD copy on hold too sir!)

VIN said...

very stoked!!!

Anonymous said...

How do I get a digital copy this? Boomkat only has vinyl version.

MX7 said...

Appreciate your interest in the music. We expect the digi version of the album will be out soon on Digitalis Recordings.

Stay tuned here:

big up

Macie D said...

Very nice blog you have heree

Drew Norris said...

I'm excited to hear this album, especially its exploration of finding light in darkness.